Texas Caves
978-0-89096-899-4 Paperback
8.5 x 11 x 0 in
144 pp. 60 color photos., 39 b&w photos., 2 line drawings., Map., Gloss.
Pub Date: 01/01/2000
- Paperback $19.95
Texas Caves introduces this seldomseen world, providing basic cave geology and biology, a description of the seven show caves that have been opened and developed for public visiting, and information on state speleological parks.
The engaging text as well as a hundred full-color and black-and-white photographs reveals the glories of Texas caves, "wild" as well as commercial, showing different types of cave formations, the creatures that live in them, and the people who explore them.
Cavings experiences from cave photographer Blair Pittman, cave discoverer Orion Knox, cave developer Jack Burch, and commercial cave manager Jim Brummett bring to life places that house the hidden beauties that lie beneath the surface of Texas.
Texas Speleological Association Chair Gill Ediger adds what it means to be a caver and how cavers, cave owners, and the general public are all involved in the conservation of cave resources.
Texas Caves offers a deeper understanding of the underground world of caves and an invitation those who wish to explore another dimension of Texas’ natural history.
Louise Lindsey Merrick Natural Environment Series
About the Author
Published by Texas A&M University Press