In the Night Orchard
New and Selected Poems
978-1-937875-65-7 Paperback
5.5 x 8.5 x 0.54 in
200 pp.
Pub Date: 06/12/2014
Skull, Grim, and Grinning
I forgot how barbed wire snarls—
like a low bird’s nest—caught
the cold raccoon last winter.
He found his own death there,
and each snagged stage of ice,
sun and hungry birds had a say
as weeds blew and I found
human obligations to occupy me.
But after thaw I went walking,
saw a twisted root (spring’s
first threat of snake), red eye-
shape of new sumac leaves,
deer tracks by the hundred,
and on the rotted fence post
polished to blinding shine by sun,
the forgotten relic hung,
a barbed cocoon coiled around
a fanged white flower of bone.
About the Author
Published by Texas Review Press