Vox Populi

978-1-933896-98-4 Paperback
5.5 x 8.5 x 0.67 in
240 pp.
Pub Date: 08/20/2013


  • Paperback $22.95

A nameless and sometimes hapless narrator moves through a series of casual encounters, mostly in the Southwest, with total strangers, average people going about day-to-day, often mundane activities, but taking time to reveal to him, unprompted, their life experiences.

Although he does not invite their attention, they sometimes seem desperate to share their stories with him, mostly because he’s right there, sometimes trapped by circumstance. Often funny, sometimes sad, always poignant in a way, their voices, their words open up their deeper selves, reveal both the comedy and tragedy of individual life, and expose the unique humanity behind the anonymous faces of the ordinary person. Through their candid and unselfconscious revelations, they tell a composite story of the everyday individual muddling through the vicissitudes of everyday life.

Published by Texas Review Press