Petra’s Legacy
The South Texas Ranching Empire of Petra Vela and Mifflin Kenedy
978-1-64843-266-8 Paperback
7 x 10 x 0 in
448 pp. 83 b&w illus., 4 line art., 6 maps.
Pub Date: 07/08/2024
- Paperback $34.95
From Petra’s early life in the landed ranchero society of northern Mexico, through her alliance with Luis Vidal—an officer in the Mexican army to whom she bore eight children—until her move to Brownsville after Vidal’s death, Petra lived in Mexico. When she moved to Texas, having taken Vidal’s name, she represented a link to the landed families of the region. Mifflin Kenedy, a steamboat captain who had first come to Texas during the Mexican War, married into her world, acquiring local respectability and stature when he took Petra as his wife.
The story of their life together encompasses war, the taming of a frontier, the blending of cultures, the origin of a ranching empire, and the establishment of a foundation and trust that still endure today, giving millions to Texas through charitable gifts. An attractive woman of business acumen, strong religious convictions, and intense family loyalty, Petra Vela Kenedy’s influence through her husband and her children left a legacy whose exploration is long overdue.
Perspectives on South Texas, sponsored by Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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Published by Texas A&M University Press