Norsemen Deep in the Heart of Texas
Norwegian Immigrants, 1845–1900
978-1-64843-022-0 Hardcover (Printed Case)
6 x 9 x 0 in
392 pp. 20 b&w photos. 2 figures. 3 tables. 4 appendixes. Bib. Index.
Pub Date: 03/18/2024
Fluent in both English and Norwegian, Nerheim has done what no other historian has done by combining primary and secondary sources from both languages and both countries. A well-established European scholar, Nerheim examines these never-before-referenced sources, telling the story of Norwegian immigration to Texas, explaining the contexts of Norwegian immigration to Texas in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and uncovering its significance to the histories of both countries.
The larger historical context reveals that immigration to Texas operated as part of dynamic circumstances on both sides of the Atlantic, including slavery and the Civil War. Drawn from the perspectives of both regions, the history of Norwegian settlement in Texas provide new insights into European immigration. Readers interested in Texas, Norwegian, and trans-Atlantic history, as well as nineteenth-century immigration, will find new horizons in Norsemen Deep in the Heart of Texas.
Tarleton State University Southwestern Studies in the Humanities
About the Author
Published by Texas A&M University Press