To the Vast and Beautiful Land
Anglo Migration into Spanish Louisiana and Texas, 1760s–1820s
978-1-62349-741-5 Hardcover (Printed Case)
6 x 9 x 0 in
288 pp. 12 tables. Bib. Index.
Pub Date: 02/19/2019
- Hardcover (Printed Case) $45.00 s
From the “enduring community” of Anglo-American settlers in colonial Natchez to the Gálvez family along the Gulf Coast and their participation in the American Revolution, Cummins shows that mercantile commerce and land acquisition went hand-in-hand as dual motivations for the migration of English-speakers into Louisiana and Texas. Mercantile trade dominated by Anglo-Americans increasingly tied the Mississippi valley and western Gulf Coast to the English-speaking ports of the Atlantic world bridging two centuries, shifting it away from earlier French and Spanish commercial patterns. As a result, Anglo-Americans moved to the region as residents and secured land from Spanish authorities, who often welcomed them with favorable settlement policies. This steady flow of settlement set the stage for families such as the Austins—first Moses and later his son Stephen—to take root and further “Anglocize” a colonial region.
Taken together, To the Vast and Beautiful Land makes a new contribution to the growing literature on the history of the Spanish borderlands in North America.
Elma Dill Russell Spencer Series in the West and Southwest
About the Author
Published by Texas A&M University Press