Eye, Thus Far, Unplucked

978-1-62288-175-8 Paperback
5.5 x 8.5 x 0 in
80 pp.
Pub Date: 10/23/2017


  • Paperback $18.00
Eye, Thus Far, Unplucked is composed of abstract, psychedelic narratives delivered through the actions of several creatures of the insect family, to sea-life, domesticated animals, and amphibians. The action is conveyed in a rapid fire of subliminal imagery which is interconnected and builds upon itself, crafting messages of self-destruction, voyage, divinities, unfamiliarity, and the strength to persist forward. Collier Brown’s technical prowess and in depth structure of theme carries this collection to new heights and his unique vernacular is refreshing to poetic language demonstrating new avenues yet untraveled by aspiring or renowned authors. Often inventive and aesthetical, Brown’s personal monologue of imagery kindles the readers’ imaginations and engulfs them in a universe of expertly crafted lyricism which broadens their perspectives and trains them to be accustomed to see the world as Collier Brown sees it.

Published by Stephen F. Austin University Press