J. Mason Brewer, Folklorist and Scholar: His Early Texas Writings
978-1-62288-134-5 Paperback
6 x 9 x 0 in
140 pp.
Pub Date: 01/04/2017
- Paperback $20.00
J. Mason Brewer, Folklorist and Scholar: His Texas Writings, edited by BRUCE A. GLASRUD and MILTON S. JORDAN, is a collection of the writings of famed African American teacher and scholar, John Mason Brewer. In this collection, Glasrud and Jordan pulled together a wide range of Brewer’s publications that were written in and about Texas. These works were published over a lengthy period of time, beginning in the early 1920s and continuing to mid-century. In this stimulating collection of Brewer’s writings it can be noted that he was a renaissance scholar and teacher proficient as a folklorist, poet, and historian. Glasrud and Jordan included in J. Mason Brewer a Foreword from Texas Folklore Society director KENNETH UNTIEDT, an Introduction, and a Bibliography. The publications of Brewer found in this book include Glimpses of Life: Poems; The Negro in Texas History; The Life of John Wesley Anderson in Verse; and a folklore collection, “John Tales,” among other studies.
About the Author
Published by Stephen F. Austin University Press