White-Tailed Deer Habitat
Ecology and Management on Rangelands
978-1-60344-951-9 Flexbound (with Flaps)
7 x 10 x 0 in
328 pp. 79 color photos. 37 line art.
Pub Date: 05/08/2013
The original, 2006 edition of Timothy Edward Fulbright and J. Alfonso Ortega-S.’s White-Tailed Deer Habitat: Ecology and Management on Rangelands was hailed as “a splendid reference for the classroom and those who make their living from wildlife and the land” and as “filling a niche that is not currently approached in the literature.”
In this second, full-color edition, revised and expanded to include the entire western United States and northern Mexico, Fulbright and Ortega-S. provide a carefully reasoned synthesis of ecological and range management principles that incorporates rangeland vegetation management and the impact of crops, livestock, predation, and population density within the context of the arid and semiarid habitats of this broad region. As landowners look to hunting as a source of income and to the other benefits of managing for wildlife, the clear presentation of the up-to-date research gathered in this book will aid their efforts. Essential points covered in this new edition include:
White-tailed deer habitat requirements
Nutritional needs of White-tailed deer
Carrying capacity
Habitat management
Focused across political borders and written with an understanding of environments where periodic drought punctuates long-term weather patterns, this revised and expanded edition of White-Tailed Deer Habitat: Ecology and Management on Rangelands will aid landowners, researchers, and naturalists in their efforts to integrate land management and use with sound ecological practices.
Perspectives on South Texas, sponsored by Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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Published by Texas A&M University Press