Paleoamerican Origins

Beyond Clovis

978-1-60344-812-3 Paperback
8.5 x 11 x 0 in
388 pp. 83 figures. 22 tables. 1 line drawing. Refs. Index.
Pub Date: 10/18/2013


  • Paperback $45.00 s
Paleoamerican Origins: Beyond Clovis presents 23 up-to-date syntheses of important topics surrounding the debate over the initial prehistoric colonization of the Americas. These papers are written by some of the foremost authorities who are on the trail of the first Americans. The papers are written by some of the foremost authorities who are on the trail of the first Americans. The papers in this volume include a discussion of the archaeological evidence for Clovis and Pre-Clovis sites in North America (11 papers) and South America (2 papers). In addition, papers on the genetic evidence (2 papers) and skeletal evidence (4 papers) provide insights into the origins of the first Americans. Additional papers include ideas on the changing perceptions of Paleoamerican prehistory, public policy and science, and a comprehensive concluding synthesis.


Peopling of the Americas Publications

Published by Texas A&M University Press