La Salle in Texas
A Teacher’s Guide for the Age of Discovery and Exploration
978-1-58544-609-4 Paperback
8.5 x 11 x 0 in
150 pp. Gloss., TEKS met.
Pub Date: 08/15/2007
Pam Wheat-Stranahan, named by the Texas Historical Commission to head the educational efforts associated with the excavation’s traveling exhibit, continued her work on this project after leaving the THC. Now, her teacher’s guide, which includes a DVD of acclaimed documentary director Alan Govenar’s films The Shipwreck of La Belle and Dreams of Conquest (about Fort St. Louis and Presidio La Bahia), is available for use in an exploration and discovery unit. Ideal for grades 4–8, the teacher’s guide and films are designed for use with the book From a Watery Grave.
Wheat-Stranahan has incorporated the standards for national social studies and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The resulting guide is user-friendly for teachers and provides interactive learning opportunities for students not just about Texas history but also concerning the age of discovery and the precursors to the American nation.
About the Author
Published by Texas A&M University Press