The Art of Trumpet Teaching
The Legacy of Keith Johnson
978-1-57441-858-3 Cloth
6 x 9 x 0 in
256 pp. 28 b&w illus. Notes.
Pub Date: 06/23/2022
- Cloth $29.95
Johnson’s former students hold positions in universities, orchestras, and military ensembles in over a dozen countries. In The Art of Trumpet Teaching, his students describe Johnson’s teaching approach and tireless work to help each person succeed. Along with Johnson’s biography and studio stories, Leigh Anne Hunsaker presents an extensive collection of pedagogical concepts from Johnson’s six decades of teaching. Johnson’s hallmark pedagogical tenets, along with much practical advice given to his UNT students, provide a teaching and reference handbook for a new generation of teachers and players.
North Texas Lives of Musician Series
About the Author
Published by University of North Texas Press