"Thoroughly investigated by top-notch authors, Death on Base is a shocking story of mass murder that will chill to the bone."--Ann Rule, America's foremost writer of true crime
“The Porterfields are first-rate reporters with an eye for the telling detail. In Death on Base, they grippingly deconstruct this national tragedy in all its brutality while probing the psychology of one of the most disturbing mass murderers in modern times.”—Hampton Sides, bestselling author Ghost Soldiers and In the Kingdom of Ice
"This is a story that is expertly told and is useful as a reference into this ghastly event. It should be looked upon as a reliable case study presenting facts for researchers to consider in their investigations into the phenomena of terrorism, workplace violence, and mass murder. This will also appeal to a true crime audience, especially since it was a high-profile incident covered extensively by the mass media."—Gary M. Lavergne, author of A Sniper in the Tower: The Charles Whitman Murders and Bad Boy from Rosebud: The Murderous Life of Kenneth Allen McDuff
"Death on Base fills a gap in the research literature on violence, terrorism, mass murder, military justice, and so-called workplace violence. It is a significant contribution to the literature."—James Marquart, co-author of The Rope, The Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“The very best reason to study history is to learn from it. That’s what makes Death on Base: The Fort Hood Massacre so important. In this meticulous and gripping retelling, you’ll see the highs and lows of our security, our response, and our recovery. You’ll also see our enemies like never before. Only by studying all of it can we hope to avoid repeating this tragedy.”—Brad Meltzer, author of The Fifth Assassin
“The authors are superb at humanizing the victims of Fort Hood in this meticulous and occasionally harrowing journey through American mass murder, terrorism, and politics.”--Ron Franscell, author of The Darkest Night and Delivered from Evil
"For the first time, journalists take us past the superficial headlines of Nov. 5, 2009, and deliver a horrifying, yet gripping narrative of that fated day at Fort Hood, Texas, when 13 American servicemen and women were murdered and 43 others were left wounded by Dr. Nidal Hasan, a Palestinian-American and U.S. Army psychiatrist turned violent jihadist. Hasan's prior signals of extremism should have led federal authorities to act before the worst incident of domestic terrorism on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001, but they didn't. Death on Base is a real page turner, but it's also a cautionary warning that dangerous extremists continue to slip through the nation's security net."—Robert Rivard, director of the Rivard Report and author of Trail of Feathers: Searching for Philip True
"Death on Base is a well-researched look into a fateful day in November when Fort Hood, also known as 'The Great Place,' was delivered an incomprehensible deadly blow by one of its own. It is a superb work that will be referenced by researchers, historians and the military community for years to come."--San Antonio Express-News
"For those who wish to know more about the Fort Hood massacre, Death on Base is a highly commendable, carefully written study of those events."--Scribe, Writers League of Texas
"The November 2009 shooting at Fort Hood remains the most egregious example of homegrown jihadist terrorism in the United States. . . . In exploring the background and path toward radicalization of this U.S. Army psychiatrist-turned-terrorist, the book's authors find a number of similarities with other cases of mass shootings in the United States."--War on the Rocks
"Death on Base can be used by historians and criminal justice academics alike. It could easily be used as a textbook for a class on terrorism or the psychology of criminal behavior. The Porterfields succeed in providing the academic and the practitioner a reference for reliable information related to radical Islam and mass killings."--Southwestern Historical Quarterly
"The authors do a great job of synthesizing countless news reports, government documents, court proceedings, and interviews to tell the story of the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood. The material is presented in a nice balance of investigative and narrative style. . . . It is an excellent case study in the genesis of violence and terrorism."--Military History of the West
"[I]t will engage and instruct readers seeking a good, general, politically impartial treatment of its topic. It may even encourage a salutary refocusing of the polarizing debate about the nature of terrorist acts."--Michigan War Studies Review
"The Porterfields' description of the events of 5 November is a chilling one, and their interviews with survivors provides an incredibly well-informed account of that day."--Central Texas Studies