Still the Arena of Civil War
Violence and Turmoil in Reconstruction Texas, 1865-1874
978-1-57441-449-3 Cloth
6 x 9 x 0 in
480 pp. 16 b&w illus. Notes.
Pub Date: 02/22/2012
- Cloth $34.95 s
Was the Reconstruction era in the Lone Star State simply a continuation of the Civil War? Evidence presented by sixteen contributors in this new anthology, edited by Kenneth W. Howell, argues that this indeed was the case. Topics include the role of the Freedmen’s Bureau and the occupying army, focusing on both sides of the violence. Several contributors analyze the origins of the Ku Klux Klan and its operations in Texas, how the Texas State Police attempted to quell the violence, and Tejano adjustment to Reconstruction. Other chapters focus on violence against African-American women, the failure of Governor Throckmorton to establish law and order, and the role of newspaper editors influencing popular opinion. Finally, several contributors study Reconstruction by region in the Lower Brazos River Valley and in Lavaca County.
About the Author
Published by University of North Texas Press