Tonality as Drama
Closure and Interruption in Four Twentieth-Century American Operas
978-1-57441-249-9 Cloth
6 x 9 x 0 in
240 pp. 26 tables. 40 figs. Notes.
Pub Date: 09/19/2008
- Cloth $41.95 s
Tonality as Drama is not a textbook—rather, it is an innovative analytical study meant to inspire changes in the study and performance of tonal opera. By applying Schenker’s tonal analytical technique to a small segment (early twentieth-century American opera) of a repertoire typically regarded as non-tonal (modern opera), Latham reveals a strategic use of tonality in that repertoire as a means of amplifying or undercutting the success or failure of dramatic characters. This use of “strategic tonality” is present in many of the grand operas and song cycles of the nineteenth century as well, suggesting avenues for future research.
About the Author
Published by University of North Texas Press