Fruit of the Orchard
Environmental Justice in East Texas
978-1-57441-215-4 Cloth
9 x 9 x 0 in
144 pp. 50 duotone photos.
Pub Date: 09/14/2006
- Cloth $29.95
This book originated in 1994 when Cromer-Campbell was asked by Phyllis Glazer to produce a photograph for a poster about the campaign. She was so touched by the people in the town that she set out to document their stories. Using a plastic Holga camera, she created hauntingly distorted images that are both works of art and testaments to the damage inflicted on the people of a small Texas town by one company’s greed.
In the accompanying essays, Phyllis Glazer describes the history of Winona and the fight against the facility, Roy Flukinger discusses Cromer-Campbell's striking photographic technique, Eugene Hargrove explores issues of environmental justice, and Marvin Legator elaborates on how industry and government discourage victims of chemical exposure from seeking or obtaining relief.
About the Author
Published by University of North Texas Press