Happy Hunting Grounds

Edited by J. Frank Dobie

978-1-57441-094-5 Paperback
6 x 9 x 0 in
164 pp.
Pub Date: 06/01/2000


  • Paperback $16.95 s
This Publication of the Texas Folklore Society is a miscellany of Texas and Southwestern folklore collected and written by ten folklorists in 1925. Included are articles on Mexican popular ballad; Spanish songs of New Mexico; versos of the Texas vaqueros; reptile myths; the cowboy dance of the northwest; superstitions of the Northern Seas; oil field diction; folk tales of the Chibcha nation; the human hand in primitive art; and Indian pictographs near Lange's Mill. It also includes “When the Woods Were Burnt,” by L. W. Payne Jr., the first pamphlet of the Texas Folklore Society.

Published by University of North Texas Press