Under Western Skies
The Art of Bob Pummill
978-0-9721056-1-3 Cloth
14 x 10 x 0 in
180 pp. 150 color plates., 19 line drawings.
Pub Date: 06/18/2003
- Cloth $75.00
Under Western Skies chronicles Pummill’s entire career and offers a perspective on both Western history and the creative process of painting. The stories found in the book are the individual stories of the American West. Contemplating the paintings in this book gives one the sense of what it would have been like to have been there, to feel the chill in the early morning air, to smell the food cooking on the fire, and maybe even to feel the soreness after a long day in the saddle or on the wagon seat.
Under Western Skies presents both the grand panorama of the West and the quieter moments of individuals wrestling a living from a hard, but beautiful land.
About the Author
Published by National Center American Western Art