Private Voices, Public Lives

Women Speak on the Literary Life

Edited by Nancy Owen Nelson

Foreword by Jane Tompkins

978-0-929398-88-4 Paperback
6 x 9 x 0 in
319 pp.
Pub Date: 06/01/1995


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Interweaving the personal, private voice with scholarly, public intent, Nelson and the other contributors argue for a more interactive and cooperative approach to the teaching, reading, critiquing, and writing of literature.

These essays are a direct result of the desire by many women within the academic community to break free of what has been called the “masculine” or “adversary” mode of literary criticism.

Private Voices, Public Lives is of critical importance to readers, teachers, reviewers, and critics. The essays incorporate ideas on current issues of autobiography, memoir, women's voice, reader response, diversity, life writing, and gender.

Published by University of North Texas Press