Working Hands
978-0-89096-955-7 Cloth
11 x 10 x 0 in
132 pp. 72 duotone photos.
Pub Date: 09/01/2000
- Cloth $45.00
Ranching, oil, and now microcomputer technology have formed the backbone of the Texas economy and shaped the culture for at least the last hundred and fifty years. As different as the three industries and the people who work in them may seem, many factors link them, as Williams’s photography dramatically and often hauntingly illustrates.
The vibrantly reproduced duotones in the volume show people at work and at play – herding cattle, pulling pipe, and wearing “bunny suits” to process microchips. With effective documentary techniques, Williams provides portraiture and action shots that portray the kinds of people who work and the kind of world in which they labor. Grace and power, communication with animals and humans, evolving interactions with machines, geographic loneliness, and sterile isolation are themes running through his pictures, which effectively capture the play of light on the forms and character.
Williams offers a compelling visual exploration of the continuity and change, similarities and contracts of these three ways Texans have stood on common ground.
Clayton Wheat Williams Texas Life Series
Published by Texas A&M University Press