Tickling Catfish
A Texan Looks at Culture from Amarillo to Borneo
978-0-89096-728-7 Paperback
6 x 9 x 0 in
160 pp. 15 line drawings.
Pub Date: 11/01/1996
- Paperback $14.95
In his art of telling stories, Craven balances timing, rhythm, style, and content. His style is at once elegant and simple, a mixture of up-tempo phrasing and brief story lines that flow naturally to one of three conclusions: punchline, moral, or wish. The stories share observations on customs, language, home, and human nature and serve as a hedge against parochialism, even when focusing on snipe hunts, armadillo grabs, and hog boxing. Whimsically illustrated by Jean Dixon and recognizable to readers anywhere, Tickling Catfish offers new, recent, or would-be Texans a cheerful companion in their quest for full Texas citizenship.
About the Author
Published by Texas A&M University Press