Atlas of the Human Skull
978-0-89096-488-0 Paperback
8.5 x 11 x 0 in
216 pp. 92 b&w photos., 8 line drawings., 4 charts.
Pub Date: 06/01/1991
- Paperback $49.95 x
The first section of the Atlas contains photographs of all views of the skull; the second is made up of photos of the disarticulated bones. The next section pictures muscle attachments, and the final two show radiological and anthropological landmarks. Bones, sutures, landmarks, and foramina are identified in the sharp and detailed photographs, and legends on the facing pages group terms by category for easy and rapid identification. The radiology and anthropology sections focus on the requirements of the practitioner.
Two criteria guided the compilation of this atlas: ease of use and convenience as a study tool. The text--presented as legends keyed to the photographs--groups terms according to entries, such as bone, foramen, or landmark. Each foramen is supplied with a description of structures that it transmits. The keying of the features to legends on a facing page makes the book particularly easy to use as a study guide and avoids clutter or obscuring of detail on the pictures themselves. The size and clarity of the pictures allow easy viewing of each labeled structure. Small regions with many landmarks are enlarged to show detail. Multiple pictures are provided of any single complex view to prevent clutter and confusion. Such attention to detail and user needs makes this atlas is an excellent study and reference tool.
About the Author
Published by Texas A&M University Press