Toward a More Livable World

The Social Dimensions of Sustainability

978-1-936205-60-8 Paperback
5.5 x 8.5 x 0 in
220 pp.
Pub Date: 07/23/2012


  • Paperback $21.95

This century of growth has been fed by equally unprecedented material resource consumption and associated negative environmental impacts. This book offers both a vision and a path to a sustainable future while maintaining a livable world. Sustainability is a human concern, and sustainable development cannot occur without human development. This collection of essays introduces the human dimension into the sustainability debate by applying what we call the golden rule of sustainability: “Do unto future generations as you would have had previous ones do unto yours.” Guided by this ethical imperative and by harnessing the power of science in both the physical and human worlds, we have can remake national and global institutions in ways that offer real hope for future generations.

Published by Stephen F. Austin University Press