Too Heavy to Carry

978-1-62288-056-0 Paperback
6 x 9 x 0 in
88 pp.
Pub Date: 03/04/2014


  • Paperback $18.00
People expect that their lives move in majestic sweeps, but that’s only because memory and legend work that way, but reality works in the small moments of our experience. Too Heavy to Carry explores those moments by focusing in close. This wonderful collection aims to name the evils that people live through: loneliness, betrayal, inadequacy, and loss. Dixon easily captures not just the glimpse of hope, but shows the agony and obstacles one must endure before she crawls out of the bottom of the well.
This is a must for survivors of any variety—divorce, depression, domestic violence, abandonment/neglect and other painful experiences.

Published by Stephen F. Austin University Press