Canine Radiographic Anatomy

An Interactive Instructional CD-ROM

978-1-60344-106-3 CDROM
0 x 0 x 0
Pub Date: 09/22/2008


  • CDROM $25.00 x
Designed specifically for students, practitioners, and technicians, this simple, interactive computer learning program is a great educational tool for anyone who wants to learn (or review) the normal radiographic anatomy of dogs. The program begins with an overview of basic radiology concepts, with explanations of x-rays and radiographs, radiographic densities, views and orientation of films, and artifacts. The rest of the program focuses on the identification of specific anatomic structures and offers three stages of learning: tutorial—various structures on a radiograph are highlighted as the user selects them from a list; review—the user is prompted to click on specific structures on the radiograph, which are then highlighted if correct; and quiz—the user must identify and type the correct name of various randomly generated structures as they appear highlighted on a radiograph.
Each stage is organized by body region (head, neck, thorax, abdomen, thoracic limb, pelvic limb), so users can focus on specific areas to maximize their learning experience.

Published by Texas A&M University Press